Sunday, September 8, 2013

Wording , no image.. its gone.. booo

I lost an entire thumb drive of images.. but I have the wording.  Here's one I got really creative with.

Many a range has been devised by your hands
In battle your bow has protected these lands
Legends tell of your triumphs, your wit and your love
Lending a hand and even a glove
Resound all, Francois Belgraunde The Bladegatherer
In service to AEthelmearc you sure are a humzinger
Newest Companion to the Millrind you so are named

Done this July 10 AS 45, Let it be Proclaimed.
We, Malcom and Tessa, King and Queen of AEthlemearc,do so declare this by our hands.

It spells MILLRIND on the first letters.

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