Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My 2nd 10 of the day

My 2nd 10
Originally uploaded by melblackrose
At the Penn Dixie demo, three of us threw for over 1 hour. Yes, an hour straight. I did manage to get a few 10s. Here's one I was pretty proud of. This was my second 10 (and a 7) on Axes.

My knives were not so good this time round but I did hit the target.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Average is higher

Last Monday I threw 3 rounds... highest was a 28.

Zosia Kowalewska Rhydderich Hael 26.00

Event Marshal Date Score
Rhydderich Hael practice Joe de Just 2008-08-25 29
Rhydderich Hael practice Joe de Just 2008-09-23 28
Rhydderich Hael practice Joe de Just 2008-09-01 21
Hael Champs Constantine of Clan Blackheart 2008-06-14 12

Heavy Weapons Summer's End 2008

I finally was able to get the images off the camera. Based off a lat 13th Century German Gladiatorial.

I am really really proud of this one.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Work in Progress

I'm a little slow but 2 scrolls are done and one was handed out. Pic coming. But Geirny was able to get a shot of me (sneaky Baroness) working on the Lucet.


Monday, August 25, 2008


I know its not much but its something. I scored a 29 in my 2nd Royal Round for Thrown Weapons. Its getting there. This is what happens when you buy sharp pointy things at Pennsic.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pennisc Prep

Its now only 12 days until Pennsic. YEAH!!!! The pack list is coming and I need to make sure to bring something to work on. Not to mention something waterproof for the scribal stuff.

Summer's End is looming and I have both scrolls (yes, 2) well underway. One Celtic and the other German. Ideally I wanted them done before I leave but thats not going to happen.

Latest Work

I've been slacking on the posting but here are some of the latest pieces.

This is my first Kingdom AOA in a Mongol/Arabic style:

And is was for Baronial Champs. I took Chivalry and was glad I went with a Gender Neutral theme as Mistress Cori won!

Illumination is fine, its the Calligraphy that needs practice.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A little Late

Yeah, its May and I'm just getting around to this now. Ice Dragon went well. I did manage to get a Hael Stone for all the hard work and effort to get the all the scrolls in. I also managed to come down with a severe death plague and missed St. Patrick's day.

Champs is in a month and I have that to look forward to. One scroll only this time thank goodness.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Twas the night before Ice Dragon...

and all though the land, not a sewing machine was quite, not even by hand...

Yeah, its 11:48pm and I just got done running around pulling everything together for tomorrow. Child's garb is set, Hubby's garb is as set as its going to be. Me, I just spent the last hour embroidering the hem on mine. Why? I don't know. That seems to be the norm the night before an event. You'd think I'd learn by now.

Feast gear is set, scrolls are signed and packed, Scribe box is ready and garb is ironed.

Now if I could only get over this damned cold.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Final Scroll

Well final in sense I'm done until I get to Ice Dragon and have to scribe the names.

Here it is. Done and not too bad.


I managed to complete a snood by actually following a pattern, well mostly. I realized I improvised too late into the process but it all worked out in the end.

Yes, its Salmon colored but it matches my Salmon Linen.

The color in the photo is off - trust me. Its Salmon.

The Ice Dragon Cometh..

The last scroll for Ice Dragon is well Underway. Its inked and worded. All it needs is the paint. That will be done tonight. More to come once its completed.